Technical features
Numero Flange |
Lunghezza Flangia (mm) |
Diametro Interno Flangia Ø1 (mm) |
Diametro Esterno Base Ø2 (mm) |
Altezza - H2 (mm) |
Altezza - H1 (mm) |
Diametro Esterno Top Ø3 (mm) |
Materiale Top/Finitura |
BMC conical filters for direct air intake can be installed on most types of engine by removing the original airbox. BMC direct induction conical filters are manufactured using a characteristic red rubber that allows the connection of the intake to be particularly resistant to both engine stress and heat without suffering from deformations caused by the high temperature. The special filtration mesh allows the production of filters with a power up to 700 HP without presenting problems of filter deformation.
BMC conical filters are available in two versions:
SA (Single Air) with simple lateral air flow - available in carbon top, metal top and plastic top versions;
TW (Twin Air) with central and lateral air flow - available in metal top and plastic top versions.
For any other info, please see the FAQ page.